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Frequently Asked Questions


Can I submit more than one abstract?
Yes. A person may submit more than one abstract; however, a person may present an abstract as the presenting author on only one oral and two posters slotted on different dates. We do not suggest submitting the same abstract for an oral and a poster presentation.

Can I submit the same abstract to both the main conference and a pre-conference?
You may submit the same abstract to both the main conference AAIC and a pre-conference, but it is unlikely that you will be accepted for an oral presentation for both conferences for the same abstract.

Is there a limit on how many poster presentations an author can present?
An author can present two posters as long as they are slotted for different dates.

Is there a limit on how many oral presentations an author can present?
A person may be the presenting author on one oral presentation, excluding a developing topic.

What are the themes and topics for AAIC and AIC?
View themes for AAIC and AIC at www.alz.org/aaic/abstracts/abstr-overview.asp.

How do I make edits to an abstract in “submitted” status?
You may make edits to your submitted proposal if needed; however, please note that proposals automatically revert to “WITHDRAWN” status if you select “edit” after your submission has been officially submitted. To enter edits, please log-in, enter your edits, and RESUBMIT your abstract (click “submit” in the final step). It is your responsibility to confirm that your abstract is correctly submitted and is received by the submission deadline of 11:59 pm CDT on Monday, February 3, 2014.

If I submit two abstracts should I just enter one as an "oral" presentation and the other as a "poster," or can I put them both in as "oral" and let the committee decide?
Please submit your presentation preference. If your abstract is not accepted for an oral presentation, it may be offered a poster presentation.

Am I allowed to submit abstracts that have been previously presented?
No. You are asked to attest that the abstract has not been published nor presented at another conference. Abstract submissions must contain new information or recent findings to distinguish it from an abstract that may have been presented or published elsewhere.

Is it acceptable to submit an abstract that presents partial data from a manuscript submitted for publication?
It is not acceptable to submit partial data from a manuscript already submitted for publication AND published in any form before the AAIC embargo date. It is acceptable if the authors could warrant that any publication would be delayed until after the embargo date.

Will the submission of this abstract to AAIC or AIC affect the publication of our manuscript?
No. These review processes are independent. The thresholds for acceptance between abstract and manuscript are vastly different.

I have never attended a conference where the abstracts are published in an online supplement to a journal. Does this ever pose a problem for authors with subsequent publication of the research as a full article in a peer-reviewed journal, since the research findings would technically already have been published in Alzheimer's and Dementia?
No. This does not pose a problem for authors. Academic literature has a clear distinction between abstracts and peer-reviewed papers.

What is my research is not complete by the February 4, 2014 abstract submission deadline?
AAIC accepts “late breaking” or “developing topic” abstract submissions in the Spring (April 21, 2014 through May 5, 2014). Only abstracts in which the research findings were not ready/complete/available to be submitted during our regular abstract submission deadline in February should be submitted during via the Developing Topics submission process. NEW for 2014: Developing Topic abstracts will be considered for a poster presentation only unless the research is reviewed and considered to be late-breaking and extremely impactful.

When will I be notified if my abstract has been accepted?
Notifications of acceptance/denial of abstract submissions will be sent by early April 2014.

If my abstract is chosen, do I pay for registration?
Conference registration is not mandatory in order to submit an abstract. However, it is a requirement that all presenting authors of an oral or poster presentation are registered in time for the conference. Registration opens in February 2014.

If my abstract is not accepted as an oral presentation, is it likely it will be accepted as a poster presentation?
If your abstract is not chosen as an oral presentation, your abstract may be accepted for a poster presentation. However, do not submit the same abstract for the same conference as an oral and poster.

When will accepted abstracts be posted online?
The abstracts, or program planner, will be available online approximately one month prior to the conference.

If my abstract is accepted for an oral presentation, will it be used by the Association for sales or marketing purposes?
Abstracts that are accepted for presentations will be published in an online supplement to the Alzheimer's journal, Alzheimer's and Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association.

If my abstract is accepted for an oral presentation, will it be used by the Association for sales or marketing purposes?
If the abstract is accepted for an oral presentation, the abstract is printed and published in various Association pieces, including the Alzheimer’s Association online journal supplement. In those formats, the abstracts become the property of the Association, along with the PowerPoint slides or handout material. If the presenting author provides permission to record the oral presentation, then the recording with supporting handout material will be available for purchase.

If I need to retract my abstract submission, what is the deadline?
You can retract your abstract submission at any time. If you are notified that your abstract has been accepted, we will print the appropriate information in our publications. Depending on our publication deadlines we may be able to remove your submission from our publications prior to printing. To retract an accepted abstract, you must email abstracts@alz.org.

If my abstract is accepted, how do I make an author change or withdraw my abstract?
If the first author cannot attend, presentation by a co-author is acceptable (see author change below).

Author changes or Withdraws: If the identified presenting author becomes unable to present, a co-author may present. Notification of the change must be submitted in writing to abstracts@alz.org. If none of the authors on the abstract can present, a request must be submitted in writing to abstracts@alz.org to mark the abstract as "withdrawn"

How can I locate an abstract from a previous AAIC or AIC?
Abstracts are published in a supplement to our journal, Alzheimer's and Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer's Association. Visit the journal’s website at www.alzheimersanddementia.org and click on "browse all issues" in the left hand toolbar.

What is the format and size of the poster board?

  • Landscape
  • Meters: 2.5 m (wide) x 1.0 m (high)
  • Inches: 98 inches (wide) x 39 inches (high)
  • We advise printing your poster slightly smaller than the dimensions above to allow room for the poster number. No audiovisual equipment is available for poster presentations. Pushpins or tape will be provided.

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